Ideas for Using @Buncee – Interactive Storybooks, Oral Assessments, and Interactive Worksheets #langchat #edtech

One of my favorite tools to use with teachers this year has been Buncee. It meets so many needs and is an extremely easy tool to use – for students and teachers. To get started, I suggest watching this 3 min video overview of Buncee. I think it is worth watching the whole thing because there are some good tips if you watch how the narrator is creating her Buncee.

I have shared a couple of projects I have done in past entries. In this post, I want to offer two creative uses of Buncee that I thought might interest others.

1. Using the new QR code generator in Buncee, create a printable, interactive PDF worksheet:
buncee-74259-slide-0 (2)
If you’re interested in seeing the direct Buncee (without scanning the QR code) here is the link.

Students would receive this handout and then scan the QR code with their phone / iPad. Once they do so, they would click to play back audio (I made instructions for the assignment) and video (this is a video lesson from youtube).

Potential use for rotational labs: place different interactive worksheets around the room. Students can rotate through these “labs” throughout the class period. This would be particularly good for classrooms where students have phones / tablets but not computers.

2. Create an interactive lesson using Buncee. Begin with an instructional “storybook” and have students “copy&create” to interact with the lesson.
Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 10.17.29 AM
For this example, I created Learning Animals in English, where students begin by learning to identify various animals, and then are asked to label and identify (by recording) within the Buncee. To make this interactive lesson work, students would log into their Buncee accounts and then “copy and create” to edit the project and answer the questions right within Buncee.

Potential use: In foreign language, this could used as part of an oral assessment. The teacher might set up some “scenes” in Buncee, with a written or audio prompt for students to answer, and then students can edit the Buncee to respond.
Teacher —
* teacher creates an assignment in Buncee
* teacher leaves some voice prompts that students should respond to
* teacher leaves some visual prompts / questions that students should respond to
* teacher shares Buncee link with class, with “copyable” permissions
Student —
* students “copy and create” the buncee
* students edit to respond to the prompts that the teacher has left in the project (this can be done orally with the record option and/or written with the text option)
* students will submit Buncee, which will leave the assignment in the teacher dashboard, to be graded <- all within Buncee

You can get a 30 day free trial of the pro account when signing up (note: you can set up all of your students with accounts by importing from an excel spreadsheet, organize classes easily, and even grade). To view more about the class organizer, see this video

2 thoughts on “Ideas for Using @Buncee – Interactive Storybooks, Oral Assessments, and Interactive Worksheets #langchat #edtech

  1. Pingback: My Presentation Resources for #FETC: Dig Deeper in the Humanities with Next Generation Tools ft @PowToon @EDpuzzle @Buncee | techieMusings

  2. Pingback: The New @Buncee Creation Experience: Tutorial & Ideas for Back to School #edtech #edtechchat | techieMusings

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